Our Work

Health System Reform

NSW PHN – NSW Health Statewide Committee

The Committee drives key reforms in NSW relevant to primary care, by providing statewide leadership and strategic oversight and contributing to the national reform agenda by communicating success in evidence based collaborative partnerships.

In its work, the Committee embodies the four components of the NSW PHN-NSW Health Joint Statement:

  • A one health system mindset
  • NSW PHNs and NSW Health working together
  • A regional focus backed by the right system support, and
  • Planning and evaluating our actions.

NSW PHN – NSW Health: Joint Statement

Working together to deliver person-centred care

NSW Primary Health Networks (PHN) and NSW Health have had a long history of partnering on joint initiatives, programs, projects and working collectively with other sectors and the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

This collaborative relationship was cemented with the 2021 co-signing of the NSW Primary Health Networks – NSW Health Joint Statement which sets out this shared commitment. Read the Joint Statement here or Read the Joint Statement Executive Summary here.

The Joint Statement will help to strengthen the healthcare system in NSW to collectively respond to challenges and opportunities to deliver person-centred healthcare. Implementation of the Joint Statement will leverage existing work and priorities, with working groups addressing three key priority areas:

  • Focusing on care in the community
  • Establishing joint regional planning processes and governance
  • Data and outcomes.

The position papers are now complete and a final report will be due in 2023.

About the working groups

  • Define the future of community-based care
  • Exploration of funding model innovation to enable ‘community first’ approach to care where clinically appropriate

Andrew Coe – Chief Executive Officer – Western NSW Primary Health Network
Wayne Jones – Chief Executive – Northern NSW Local Health District

  • Development of principles for joint regional governance and investment
  • Develop agreed escalation and arbitration principles
  • Development of further principles to include AHMRC and Consumers in foundational governance

Nathalie Hansen – Chief Executive Officer – Central & Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
Jill Ludford – Chief Executive – Murrumbidgee Local Health District

  • Develop a consistent set of high-level outcomes and measures culminating in a library of outcomes that all parties use for reporting.
  • Develop standard data sharing agreement to be used regionally.

Ray Messom – Chief Executive Officer – Western Sydney Primary Health Network
Dr Teresa Anderson – Chief Executive – Sydney Local Health District

Integrating care for people with diabetes: A statewide initiative for diabetes management

The NSW Ministry of Health, the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) and NSW Primary Health Networks are working with Local Health Districts, Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisations, Diabetes NSW & ACT and other partners on a statewide initiative.

The document Integrating care for people with diabetes, A Statewide Initiative for Diabetes Management outlines the approach to improve the coordination of diabetes care across NSW and keep people well and out of hospital.

NSW partners will work together in a ‘one health system’ approach to improve outcomes that matter to patients, the experiences of receiving and providing care, and the efficiency and effectiveness of care.

Find out more here.